The Wars of the Roses for A Level
I’ve been interested in the Wars of the Roses for over fifty years so it’s been a constant pleasure to be involved in teaching and learning about the fifteenth century. I taught the Wars of the Roses as a final year undergraduate course for about fifteen years, led the HA’s History Teacher Fellowship on Teaching about the Middle Ages, occasionally got tangled up in my own research and wrote an A level textbook which, I’m happy to say, went down very well with students and teachers.
My textbook is now out of print and so no longer available from Hodder Education, but if any teacher would like a copy of the proofs please get in touch.
You’ll find my contact details HERE …
And the book's Teachers’ Support Material can still be downloaded HERE …
This section of the website is the product of all those experiences – one page provides a range of resources and activities for classroom use and the other provides links to books, blogs, videos and websites which may also be value to teachers.
I do hope this material helps you teach The Wars of the Roses successfully and enjoyably, especially those of you starting out on teaching this topic. It’s endlessly fascinating but, like any topic, it’s essential to begin by unravelling students’ preconceptions about the period, the topic and the people and then to continue by teaching to challenge misconceptions and explicitly overcome students’ learning problems, such as the frustrations of learning names!
And if you’re as fascinated by the later Middle Ages as I am, you may be interested in another section of the website Writings about History where I plan to tell the stories of a number of families, starting with the Redmayns who lived just up the road from me, at Harewood in West Yorkshire and at Levens in Westmorland.
Happy Teaching!
Units in this Section
For clarity, the resources in this section have been separated into two units:
Classroom Resources HERE …
Books, Videos, Talks, Blogs and Websites HERE …