Teaching Techniques and Discussions:

The Craft of History Teaching

The chief purpose of the site is to showcase a range of teaching techniques that teachers can use and adapt to build up their repertoire of teaching methods. This section is therefore the hub of the site as it describes and discusses these techniques individually, including structured role-plays, living graphs and decision-making activities.

In addition, you will find a number of articles and discussions of issues central to history teaching, from the uses and nature of story-telling to ideas on how to tackle specific problems that students often have, such as understanding the nature of the provenance of sources.

The final unit in this section provides links to my material on YouTube, with filmed extracts showing the ‘choreography’ of a number of activities and discusses how to use them effectively in the classroom.

You can access all this material through the links below.

Units in this Section

The resources in this section have been separated into the following three units:


1. Teaching Techniques

A ‘How to ….’ guide describing a range of individual techniques (including scripted dramas, washing lines, living graphs and decision-making activities) and discussing their aims and how to use each of them so that students learn most effectively.

Read more HERE …


2. Articles and Discussions

A wide range of articles, some on major issues such as story-telling and the value of creativity for teachers, while others tackle smaller but important issues such as why we need to ask more questions that assume that the answers will contain a degree of uncertainty.

Read more HERE …


3. Filmed Activities on YouTube

A brief guide to a series of filmed activities, some originally produced for the ThinkingHistory DVD in 2005 and now available on-line.

But read this first! HERE …


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